2014年6月17日 星期二


late: dead
We are all in memory of the late explorer.

solicitor: British A member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, the drawing up of wills, and other legal matters. A solicitor may also instruct barristers and represent clients in some courts.

She had apparently instructed solicitors to deal with the matter on her behalf.
no solicitation: it is another way of saying "No salespeople"

spinster: a woman spins the wheel for her own living; an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage. 

swap: take part in an exchange of

we swapped phone numbers.
synonym: switch

fragment: a small part broken off or separated from something

After a fracture, the broken fragments of bone usually separate to some degree.

"frailty, thy name is woman!" from Hamlet by Shakespeare

"To be, or not to be: that is a question"

indecisiveness: (Of a person) not able to make decisions quickly and effectively

It was just a feeling, neither uncertainty nor indecisiveness, but doubts nonetheless.


flora: flower
florist, floral, defloration

syn: together

synonymous, synchronal, synaeresis


extra: outside, beyond
extracellular, extract, extradition

dis: reversal, removal, or apart

disable, disabuse, disaccord

over: above, or higher excessively

overable, overabstract, overachieve 

inter: among, between

intersection, interact, interatomic


-ism: used to form nouns
abolitionism, academism, adoptianism

British English

"What a nuisance." means "I resent you."


tutor: an instructor who gives private lessons.
governess: a girl or woman employed to teach and train children in a private household.


Orlando by Virginia Woolf

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte


French Lieutenant's woman by John Fowles

For whom the Bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway



Fields of gold by Sting


No man is an island by John Donne

Words of the day
1. sovereign  [adj.]  /ˈsɒvrɪn/
definition: Possessing supreme or ultimate power
origin: Middle English: from Old French soverain, based on Latin super 'above'. The change in the ending was due to association with reign.
sentence: In modern democracies the people’s will is in theory sovereign.
part of speech: sovereignly  [adv.]

2. supreme  [adj.]  
definition: Highest in rank or authority
origin: late 15th century (in the sense 'highest'): from Latin supremus, superlative of superus 'that is above', from super 'above'.
sentence: The commanders in chief exercised supreme authority in their respective zones and acted in concert on questions affecting the whole country.
part of speech: supremely  [adv.]

3. grant  [v.]  
definition: Agree to give or allow (something requested) to
origin: Middle English: from Old French granter 'consent to support', variant of creanter 'to guarantee', based on Latin credere 'entrust'.
sentence: Accordingly, whether to grant a relocation request is not a decision courts make lightly.
part of speech: grantable  [adj.]  granter  [n.]
phrase: take for granted: (take something for granted) Assume that something is true without questioning it

4. unrelenting  [adj.]  
definition: Not yielding in strength, severity, or determination
sentence: For a place dependent on tourist spending, the unrelenting determination to turn paying customers away is simply beyond rationality.
part of speech: unrelentingly  [adv.]  unrelentingness  [n.]

5. swell  [v.]  
definition: (Especially of a part of the body) become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid
origin: Old English swellan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to German schwellen.
sentence: Her bruised knee was already swelling up.
phrase: one's head swells: One becomes conceited


1. rash  [adj.]  /raʃ/
definition: Acting or done without careful consideration of the possible consequences; impetuous
origin: late Middle English (also in Scots and northern English in the sense 'nimble, eager'): of Germanic origin; related to German rasch.
sentence: It would be extremely rash to make such an assumption.
part of speech: rashly  [adv.]  rashness  [n.]

2. chuck  [v.]  
definition: Throw (something) carelessly or casually
origin: late 17th century (as a verb): from chuck.
sentence: Someone chucked a brick through the window.
part of speech: chucker  [n.]
phrase: chuck it down: Rain heavily

3. whack  [v.]  
definition: Strike forcefully with a sharp blow
origin: early 18th century: imitative, or perhaps an alteration of thwack.
sentence: His attacker whacked him on the head.
part of speech: whacker  [n.]
phrases: out of whack: Out of order; not working
top (or full) whack: The maximum price or rate

4. chastise  [v.]  
definition: Rebuke or reprimand severely
origin: Middle English: apparently formed irregularly from the obsolete verb chaste
sentence: He chastised his colleagues for their laziness.
part of speech: chastisement  [n.]  chastiser [n.]

5. eradicate  [v.]  
definition: Destroy completely; put an end to
origin: late Middle English (in the sense 'pull up by the roots'): from Latin eradicat- 'torn up by the roots', from the verb eradicare, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out' + radix, radic- 'root'.
sentence: This disease has been eradicated from the world.
part of speech: eradicable  [adj.]  eradicant  [n.]  eradicator  [n.]


1. laurel  [n.]  /ˈlɒr(ə)l/
definition: Any of a number of shrubs and other plants with dark green glossy leaves, in particular
origin: Middle English lorer, from Old French lorier, from Provençal laurier, from earlier laur, from Latin laurus.
sentence: The sweeping drive of the Coach Road to Milnerfield were planted with laurel, yew and holly, still surviving today.
phrase: look to one's laurels: Be careful not to lose one’s superior position to a rival
rest on one's laurels: Be so satisfied with what one has already done or achieved that one makes no further effort

2. grapple  [v.]  
definition: Engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle
origin: Middle English (as a noun denoting a grappling hook): from Old French grapil, from Provençal, diminutive of grapa 'hook', of Germanic origin; related to grape. The verb dates from the mid 16th century.
sentence: I just always loved fighting and grappling, so I got in the ring.
part of speech: grappler  [n.]

3. erode  [v.]  
definition: (Of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land)
origin: early 17th century: from French éroder or Latin erodere, from e- (variant of ex-) 'out, away' + rodere 'gnaw'.
sentence: The cliffs on this coast have been eroded by the sea.
part of speech: erodible  [adj.]

4. linger  [v.]  
definition: Stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave
origin: Middle English (in the sense 'dwell, abide'): frequentative of obsolete leng 'prolong', of Germanic origin; related to German längen 'make long(er)', also to long.
sentence: She lingered in the yard, enjoying the warm sunshine.
part of speech: lingerer  [n.]

5. commission  [n.]  
definition: An instruction, command, or role given to a person or group
origin: Middle English: via Old French from Latin commissio(n-), from committere 'entrust'
sentence: He received a commission to act as an informer.
phrase: in commission: In use or in service


1. primal  [adj.]  /ˈprʌɪm(ə)l/
definition: Relating to an early stage in evolutionary development; primeval
origin: early 17th century: from medieval Latin primalis, from Latin primus 'first'.
sentence: At the end, four performers circled around the stage in a primal manner.
part of speech: primally  [adv.]

2. discrepancy  [n.]  
definition: An illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
origin: early 17th century: from Latin discrepantia, from discrepare 'be discordant', from dis- 'apart, away' + crepare 'to creak'.
sentence: There’s a discrepancy between your account and his.
part of speech: discrepant  [adj.]

3. wry  [adj.]  
definition: Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humour
origin: early 16th century (in the sense 'contorted'): from Old English wrīgian 'tend, incline', in Middle English 'deviate, swerve, contort'.
sentence: She gave a wry smile at the comment on breakfast.
part of speech: wryly  [adv.]  wryness  [n.]

4. prompt  [v.]  
definition: (Of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling)
origin: Middle English (as a verb): based on Old French prompt or Latin promptus 'brought to light', also 'prepared, ready', past participle of promere 'to produce', from pro- 'out, forth' + emere 'take'.
sentence: The violence prompted a wave of refugees to flee the country.
part of speech: promptitude  [n.]  promptness  [n.]

5. affirmative  [adj.]  
definition: Agreeing with or consenting to a statement or request
origin: late Middle English (in the sense 'assertive, positive'): via Old French from late Latin affirmativus, from affirmare 'assert'
sentence: Nods and affirmative statements came from everyone in the room.
part of speech: affirmatively  [adv.]
phrase: in the affirmative: So as to accept or agree to a statement or request

1. dismay  [v.]  /dɪsˈmeɪ/
definition: Cause (someone) to feel concern and distress
origin: Middle English: from Old French, based on Latin dis- (expressing negation) + the Germanic base of may.
sentence: They were dismayed by the U-turn in policy.
part of speech: dismayingly  [adv.]

2. contend  [v.]  
definition: Struggle to surmount (a difficulty)
origin: late Middle English (in the sense 'compete for (something)'): from Old French contendre or Latin contendere, from con- 'with' + tendere 'stretch, strive'.
sentence: She had to contend with his uncertain temper.
part of speech: contender  [n.]

3. depict  [v.]  
definition: Represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form
origin: late Middle English: from Latin depict- 'portrayed', from the verb depingere, from de- 'completely' + pingere 'to paint'.
sentence: These equations may be depicted on a graph.
part of speech: depicter  [n.]  depictive  [adj.]

4. pornography  [n.]  
definition: Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate sexual excitement.
origin: mid 19th century: from Greek pornographos 'writing about prostitutes', from pornē 'prostitute' + graphein 'write'.
sentence: The denial of the social fact of sexuality in pornography is made explicit in its audience.
part of speech: pornographer  [n.]

5. explicit  [adj.]  
definition: Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt
origin: early 17th century (as an adjective): from French explicite or Latin explicitus, past participle of explicare 'unfold'
sentence: The arrangement had not been made explicit.
part of speech: explicitly  [adv.]  explicitness  [n.]

